View our Wine Portfolio on
We are excited to share that NDI is now on You can view our Wine portfolio at
We think that SevenFifty is going to be a great tool for our customers who want to efficiently browse our wine products and check prices in one, easy-to-use database. For more information about SevenFifty:
Find the products you need in less time
Ditch the outdated price book and add hours to your day with online product search and discovery.
Zero in on products you want to taste or order by name, style, geography, grape variety, wine scores, and more.
Boost the effectiveness of your beverage program with instant access to detailed pricing, inventory, and distribution information.
Manage all your orders in one place
Stay organized and in sync with your sales reps.
View your entire order history from multiple distributors in seconds.
Communicate with your reps directly through SevenFifty to confirm pricing, availability, order status, and more.
Build more efficiency into your work day
Train your staff, plan menu changes, keep track of memorable products, and more with private and collaborative product lists.
Keep a running history of all distributor touchpoints, including products you’ve tasted and ordered, with shared sample logs.
Inquire about discounts, product availability, or request samples for any product listed on SevenFifty.